Student Cafeteria

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

To begin some autobiographical writing we have been making hiss-tory snakes in our visual journals. Students have looked up some snakes in reptile books and have traced or hand drawn lovely big snakes in their visual journals. Then we mark out the scales and fill these scales with abbreviated details of our lives - with events that stand out in our memory. When they are completed the hiss-tory snake will provide a good summary and enable students to identify the moments that they want to write more about. For example, Lee's hiss-tory snake records the time when he cut his head open and the time his dog died. Corey has included the date of when he first went to the football with his father. The snakes will become quite elaborate and the pages will be decorated with other bits of information about the individuals life experiences.

Once the snakes are completed it will be easy peasy to write an extended piece. So! Why not try making a hiss-tory snake in your visual journal. Or alternatively you can go to Snakes and Ladders here at Soul Food and find out how to use the old game to develop your autobiographical writing.