Student Cafeteria

Friday, May 24, 2002

Exploring Metaphors

Deciding how to dress our mannequins in such a way that we express inner strength has been a slow process. Today in class some students thought that they were not working because I gave a couple of 'graffiti artists' the freedom to draw on our white board. Chris drew an 'Arnie style' man and entertained us with ghetto blaster like sounds as he provided all the details. 'Arnie' represented a very physical man, a man whose physical strength was obvious to all. He was an archetypal figure we could all relate to.

When Chris had finished we looked at the facade and I posed the question of what the inside was like. Shane obliged and came out and spontaneously drew an anatomical representation of the inside. "Is that it? Are we just blood, muscles, organs, cells?" I asked.

Silence descended! Then the bell rang! With much clatter they were gone!

Sheila stayed back to talk to me, to wrestle with just how you adequately express that there is so much more than the physical. "When I think of myself I think of a well" I said. "What do you think of?" I asked.

"A river! The sky! They help me express something endless, help me to express infinity" she replied.

As our eyes met we knew that we had not only figured out how to begin dressing our mannequins we had found metaphors that enabled us to tell the world that we are filled with an infinite supply of strength.

"But I don't know how to express the idea of the well" I confessed.

"You could have a rope coming from around her neck, down to a well." offered Sheila.

I squealed with pleasure. "Oohmygosh! Of course! I could get the guys over in welding to help me make a well out of ripple iron and attach it to the hips. Now all we need to do is figure out how you could be a river." Quite suddenly I was reminded of the river goddesses of ancient times and I suggested that we search and find out more about them. "You know Sheila, when you figure out how to do this and you actually dress her you will always know that you have unlimited resources to tap into!"

Our eyes met again! Yes! We both knew we had made a big step. We both knew that this was one of those rare defining moments when you gain self insight.

Thursday, May 02, 2002

Claiming Identity

The following is an extract from a student who is recording the process being undertaken for the Year 12 Creative Armoury Project

"Today we had English. Heather took the opportunity to take all of the Year 12's to the library. We sat in the class area, all wondering what we had done wrong. It turned out that she wanted to get our minds thinking, wanted to get us started with our mannequins.

Heather explained the situation of being in concentration camps like those described in 'Night', a book written by Ellie Wiesel. We had to make a list of things we would take from home if our neighbourhood was being cleared out. On my list I had
* Paper and Pen
* Discman and C.D's
* My Clarinet
* My red glittery jacket
* Jeans

We were then asked to describe how we would feel in a small confined place with lots of people. We had to look around and note what was happening to everyone. Guards came around to collect things of any value, such as jewellery and electricals. They took away my discman. I lost a lot less than others.

Now it was time to hop on to the bus to be transported further away. No bags were allowed just stuff that fits in our pockets and clothes that were on us. I was now left with the clothes on me, wishfully thinking that my paper and pen would fit in my pocket.

Once we got to the concentration camps we were split up from our families and friends. Usually this process left the girls going one way and the boys the other. Most of the time we were left with people who we did not know very well. However, we might find that our neighbour, a teacher or our brothers footy coach was there too - all in the same situation.

Then it was time for a shower. We were told that we had to strip down to nothing, leaving everything behind. When we came out of the shower we were left to put on something that covers everything that is necessary. Every single one of us look exactly the same. No one has more power than the others.

So what is it now that gets me through all this? Knowing that I have memories of the past, the support of a few of the people who I know and the knowledge that everyone is in the same situation helps.

Lastly we are asked to think about what we would do if the guard came in selecting more people to take away. "Where are you going to stand so that you are not the chosen one?"we were asked.

Personally I know I would want to go and hide in a corner but I figure I will be noticed more so I decided that in the middle of the crowd, just blending in and doing what they are doing. Then we are asked how we would feel if were in there for months even years. What would our thoughts be? How would we keep going? I decided that keeping positive and just knowing that I'll be out of there soon could help.

Then we had to consider how to express this on our mannequin. By the end of this task I had more ideas for my mannequin. These
* Collect nice writing paper ~ I love to write it gets me through my tough times.
* Music ~ some how have music notes
* Dancing ~ collect material, sparkling things, sequins
* Mind ~ thinking something like a brain with little bubbles coming out for thoughts."