Student Cafeteria

Monday, June 17, 2002

Spiderman Reads and Writes

Take Spiderman's challenge to read and write! SPIDER-MAN IN AMAZING ADVENTURES provides a range of activities for educators, parents, and learning partners to do with children from kindergarten through sixth grade. These activities engage children in fun with words, help sharpen their reading skills, and improve their oral and written communications skills.

If children have been absorbed by this latest movie then some of these activities can be completed and added to their Albums of Memories.

Albums of Memories

Confronted with a Year 8 class who couldn't get interested in school work I showed them how to transform old, long outdated, hard covered books into scrapbooks. I provide exercises which they do in their workbooks. Then they use Microsoft Word and transform what they have written into printed text. This text is placed on specially designed pages.

The transformation in the class was extraordinary. They begged to work on their albums and spent months happily gluing, pasting and publishing. These Albums of Memories become treasured. These days I have all my classes, no matter what age they are, making albums. Join in!

To begin simply look for a solid book that has become redundant and is yearning for new life. Gather together:
Basketfuls of old magazines
Coloured kinder squares
Completely cover any of the text, in the old book that you have selected, with coloured paper. A few pages at a time are more than enough to get you started. Once the old text is covered your are ready to begin

Now! The possibilities are endless. We decorated all our pages with images from magazines and used lots of collage materials.